This is an unofficial news site dedicated to the development of Indiana Jones 4. At the helm are Steven Spielberg and George Lucas with Harrison Ford reprising the role of Indy. The film has has now been released with mixed reviews from critics and fans, as of May 22nd 2008.

Frank Marshall: Teaser Poster this month
December 7th, 2007, posted by FofR | Digg This

In an interview with Coming Soon, Indiana Jones producer Frank Marshall, stated that we would be seeing a new indiana Jones Kingdom of The Crystal Skull poster by the end of this month, here’s an extract from the multi-film interview:

He told us why Steven and Harrison Ford felt that now was the time to return to Indy. “It’s kind of been out there in the air, but we never had the right script, and we kind of put it on the backburner and then back in 2000, we all went to the AFI Lifetime Achievement Award for Harrison. George and Harrison and Steven and I and Kathy were all backstage all dressed up and we were looking at clips from the movies and we thought, ‘God, those were really fun. Maybe we oughta really focus on trying to do another one.” And that’s what happened. David Koepp came up with a great script finally, and we’re done shooting and now in the editing process. It’s pretty amazing.”

“What we’ve done is we moved it from the ’40s to the ‘50s so we’re acknowledging that everybody’s 10 or 15 years older and it plays into the story,” he told us when asked about how things would be different from the earlier movies. “We’re not trying to hide that Harrison’s older, but we have Shia LaBeouf coming in as his sidekick, so we’ve got a young element. The best way to describe the movie is that it’s an Indiana Jones movie. It’s got all the style and elements of the old movies, and we’re not really trying to do anything different.”

You’re going to see a teaser poster later this month,” he said when asked when we might be seeing some more from the movie.

Indy 4 Trailer Update
December 5th, 2007, posted by FofR | Digg This

The rumor mill is churning over at Coming Soon, and they seem to think that we will be seeing our first full Indiana Jones 4 trailer in February:

First up, the first trailer for Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is now planned for a debut in February. While we don’t know for sure with which movie it will show, Paramount’s biggest film that month is The Spiderwick Chronicles, so keep your eye on that one. Of course, it’s possible Paramount will decide to debut footage earlier during the Super Bowl, but we’re not sure.

Indy 4 Pics in High Resolution
November 28th, 2007, posted by FofR | Digg This

Aint it Cool have updated again with much higher resolution, good quality Indiana Jones 4 images. These are the same pictures as found in the previous post, only “embiggened”. I’ve included a cropped close up for reference.

Indy with whip and gun | Indiana Jones with Satchel | Shia and Harrison Ford underground


Set pictures from Indy IV
November 27th, 2007, posted by FofR | Digg This

Aint it Cool are back with some lovely gems, no doubt extracted from some long lost forgotten temple. These crystalline beauties come in the form of three set pictures showing Shia and Harrison beneath ground, and Indy with his infamous whip!

Indy 4 Indiana Jones 4

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Trailer to be linked with Beowulf?
November 12th, 2007, posted by FofR | Digg This

EDIT: No, as expected, these were unfounded rumors that were just widely spread, perhaps in light of the Dark Knight IMAX associations coming this December. Sorry folks, we’ll have to keep guessing!

I am seeing a number of rumors around the net stating that the Indiana Jones teaser trailer will be linked to the upcoming Beowulf film, with a later online release via the official website.

A trailer schedule breakdown has also been posted on the IMDB forums although no source has been quoted:

Teaser Trailer with Beowulf Nov 16th, 2007
1st Trailer with JJ Abrams movie Jan 18, 2008
2nd Extended Trailer March 2008

Incidentally, it seems the trailer description we posted last week has been reported as a fake, which is a shame because it actually sounded very good.

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