“It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage”
July 2nd, 2007, posted by FofR | Digg This

Well, the Indiana Jones 4 movie news just doesn’t stop flowing at the moment does it? Guess what, we’ve got more. We’ll split this post into two, the first half will be spoiler free and the second shall come after the break and be packed to the brim with spoilerific action scene delights.

Shia in Vanity FairTo begin with, Shia LaBeouf dons the cover of Vanity Fair, what with one popular Transformers movie being released. As to be expected, there are some choice quotes about the Indiana Jones film.

People say, ‘What are you doing for your 21st birthday, Shia?,’ and I’m like, ‘I’m making an Indiana Jones movie.’ What’s better than that?

[...] “When he mentioned Indiana Jones, I was about to have a heart attack. I couldn’t breathe. And then he told me not to tell anyone. It’s like winning the Super Bowl but you can’t tell anyone you won the Super Bowl for three months!”

[...] Of his time on the set with Spielberg, LaBeouf says, “I remember saying, ‘I’m the least likely person to be here,’ and Steven said, ‘You and me both. I never wanted to make another one of these. We ended the series perfectly.’ That scares me, as a fan and as the actor who’s doing it. But Steven said he wouldn’t have made this movie if the script wasn’t right.”

[...] “It’s a lot of pressure,but that’s the way I want it, man. I prayed for this pressure. This is willed.”

And this is why we love Steven Spielberg (no spoilers in this video I promise):

Now for the spoilers! If you don’t want to know the scores look away now.

First we’ve got more of the infamous motorbike chase scene, IESB.net have gone overboard on this with over 10 videos! The best of these comes from the ruthless “no spoiler warnings” local press with a report on the day’s filming, showing Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones mountings a moving motorcycle. Here’s a direct link. Some of the other videos you may have seen already. There’s also a rather unflattering picture of Harrison Ford (more here):

ShiaFan have put up some new high resolution, well composed pictures of the Protest Scene, here’s a good one:

One Response to ““It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage””

  1. J capece Says:

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