This is an unofficial news site dedicated to the development of Indiana Jones 4. At the helm are Steven Spielberg and George Lucas with Harrison Ford reprising the role of Indy. The film has has now been released with mixed reviews from critics and fans, as of May 22nd 2008.

2 New Indiana Jones Pictures in German Mag
February 18th, 2008, posted by FofR | Digg This

We’ve got some new pictures for you, they are flowing in thick and thin now. These two come from a German magazine Cinema, and come via The Raider.

Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones and Cate Blanchett

Indiana Jones Trailer is here, now high quality!
February 14th, 2008, posted by FofR | Digg This

We didn’t quite fancy that bootlegged version very much, so we saved ourselves for the high resolution quicktime format that is now available on Yahoo!


Bootlegged Copy of the Indy Trailer Online
February 14th, 2008, posted by FofR | Digg This

If you think the wait is just too long, some kind video-camera weilding fellows have put the video up on YouTube for your viewing pleasure - catch it while you can!

Thanks to Skot

Indiana Jones Movie Magazine
February 13th, 2008, posted by FofR | Digg This

… coming to a news-stand near you:

Answering the call for all things Indiana Jones is the new magazine following his adventures: Indiana Jones Magazine. Containing tons of movie news, the magazine covers all the action with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, interviews with the cast and crew, and much more.

This special commemorative movie edition first issue contains 100 full color pages, for $9.99 and will be in stores on May 22, 2008.

Covers after the break (via Scoop).

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Alternative Indiana Jones Comic Poster
February 13th, 2008, posted by FofR | Digg This

You can find the main subject of this post after the break. At the big attractive center lies the great crystal spoiler. Don’t look at it if you want to keep the movie a mystery. It also features Cate Blanchett, Ray Winstone and Shia on a motorbike. The picture comes as the official cover to the comic adaptation by The Dark Horse (spoiler here too), to be published on May 22nd.

If you want to see some new Indiana Jones photos without having to ruin the movie, the Italian press, L’epresso has unveiled three new shots (thanks to Andrea):

Indiana Jones Cate Blanchett in Indiana Jones 4 Indiana Jones and Snakes

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