
Shooting in Fresno
October 11th, 2007 | Digg This

It seems that the last days of filming for Indy 4, are taking place in Fresno. ABC got the scoop with their anticipatory local video report:

About 40 people from paramount pictures are already here preparing two valley locations for filming of the new Indiana Jones at chandler airport and at eagle field in Dos Palos.

By the end of the week, more than 200 people are expected to be working on shooting scenes for one of Hollywood’s most talked about movie.

Airport workers say production crews have been preparing Fresno’s chandler airport since Saturday, painting lettering to make it look like.

The film is set in 1957, so old cars have been brought in, along with a DC-3 plane with Pan-America painted on the side.

Crews also painted “Branford” on the airport tower, likely to represent the airport in Branford Conneticut, where some scenes have already been shot.

Thanks for the heads up Jayden.

Spielberg Interviews aplenty
October 10th, 2007 | Digg This

Both ComingSoon and AICN have recently posted up their interviews with the legendary Steven Spielberg which took place at Universal Studios - in one big get together involving all the big-wig movie sites; like one big happy family. They all headed to the Indiana Jones set via an Amblin van, though the most they saw of the crystal skull world was the catering, with glimpses of the cast and crew. Most importantly however, they got to sit down and have a Q and A session with the Indy 4 director.

Each is an interesting read, the AICN report providing an in-depth flavour of the experience, whilst ComingSoon opts for the facts. I have provided a summary of the important information below:

Coming Soon: Production is two days away from wrapping and the director raved about how great it was to have Ford back and how amazed he was that he did the majority of his own stunts. [...] The Russians are the villains in the film and he hired Russian actors to ensure accuracy with their accents.

[...] The fourth installment of the “Indiana Jones” franchise is shot on film and not digital, [...] if the people before him, who he considered great directors, did it on film then that’s good enough for him. (AICN go into this with a bit more depth, discussing the life of chemical film)

Spielberg then talked about what a great addition Shia LaBeouf has been and how he’s been doing all of his own stunts, too.

AICN: “Is Drew returning for the poster?” Without missing a beat Spielberg said without a doubt. He said he can’t make an INDIANA JONES movie without John Williams’ score, he can’t make one without Michael Kahn editing and it wouldn’t be an INDIANA JONES movie if Drew Struzan didn’t do the poster art.

George Lucas says Indy 4 best since Raiders
October 8th, 2007 | Digg This

In a recent interview with MTV, George Lucas unveiled his thoughts about the progress of the upcoming Indiana Jones movie.

Lucas emphasized that “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” is shaping up to be the best Indy flick since the first one, even going so far as to call “Skulls” tonally most like “Raiders.” But whereas the Ark of the Covenant has very few historically ascribed powers, true believers attribute all sorts of abilities to the crystal skulls, ranging from the skulls being psychic amplifiers to tools of death to repositories of ancient knowledge (something like an Atlantian supercomputer).

As to the theory of the Crystal Skulls,

“The skulls themselves are real and a lot of the stuff in the movie is real, just like in the other movies. [...] We don’t base it on a lot of phony-baloney stuff. It’s all based on at least true mythology that exists today that … a certain amount of the population actually believes in.”

Indiana Jones materials stolen
October 7th, 2007 | Digg This

The LA Times first reported that a number of sensitive items pertaining to the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull are stolen from Spielberg’s Universal Studio’s office. The IESB has since updated us, detailing some of the items thieved; more than 2000 production stills, a production budget breakdown, possibly the script and multiple computers. The thief then attempted to sell these goods to multiple online websites, we were one of them - the sender calling himself Jesse James,

I have the ultimate spoiler and scoop.  I know someone who is interested in selling 2,500 production and behind-the-scenes photos and the complete production budget (All 400 pages of it).  Do you know anyone who might be interested?

Suffice to say, this fool was apprehended with the stolen property by the FBI in a sting operation. For a blow by blow breakdown of the events check out Movie City News.

The meaning of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
September 18th, 2007 | Digg This

MTV have posted a news item debating the possible meaning of the confirmed Indy 4 title via a Harvard lecturer. Here are some extracts from the article,

“Although crystal skulls were once displayed in museums across the globe (including the Smithsonian) as proof of ancient Mayan grinding technology, they’re actually all fakes, most likely manufactured in late 19th-century Germany. Zender said this makes the artifacts “as perfectly legitimate a subject for Indy’s fictional adventures as either the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail.


hey’re not attached to any real ancient tradition. Every true believer has a slightly different take on them,” Zender sighed. “As with most romances, by the end of it, the skull will have to be destroyed and the [ancient] civilization will pass away. But we’ll just have to wait and see how.”

AICN in the mean time have pointed out a fascinating documentary on YouTube concerning a Mayan Crystal Skull discovered in the 1920s.

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