Tyler Nelson Spills All the Juicy Bits
September 18th, 2007, posted by FofR | Digg This

The Edmond Sun newspaper has a profile of a local actor (Tyler Nelson) with a part in Indiana Jones 4, although it seems he decided not to respect his non-disclosure agreement, spilling all to the newspaper and upsetting the Indy production team. The article itself has now been removed (or is suffering overwhelming traffic problems) after being linked to from AICN, but the highlights are still available after the break (major spoilers herein!).


… what Tyler understands about the Indiana Jones movie is based on his own scenes that were filmed during the first week of September. Tyler plays a Russian soldier. Only the lead actors were ever given scripts, so Tyler still doesn’t know the entire plot.

“Apparently, the Soviet Army was searching for a [crucifix] skull in the jungles of South America and Indiana Jones was searching, as well,” Tyler said.

The Russian Army tries blackmailing Indiana Jones to help them find the crystal skull by “threatening to kill Karen, his old flame from the Lost Ark.”

Actress Karen Allen of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” fame returns to play Jones’ love interest Marion Ravenwood. Cate Blanchett was cast as the Russian interrogator.

“We took Indiana Jones hostage and managed to find the skull,” Tyler said.

Afterward, Tyler and the other Russian soldiers rejoice in the jungle by wildly dancing and singing to Russian balalaika folk music beside a roaring campfire…

“they were filming us outside of a tent dancing and then turned the camera inside the tent,” Tyler explained his scene. “I saw Harrison Ford strapped in a chair being interrogated. I started to gather they were holding this big crystal-looking thing in the tent and heard someone mention a crucifix skull.”

In the movie, Indiana actor Shia LaBeouf plays Indiana Jones’ son. Jones learns of this and falls in love with Ravenwood again, Tyler said.”

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