July, 2007

Indy Worldwide
July 18th, 2007 | Digg This

As Indiana Jones continues filming in Hawaii the insider scoops, spoilers and candid pictures have inevitably dried up… but we can all count this as a good thing, we don’t want to know everything do we?

To keep us going, here is a video posted on the official Indiana Jones website documenting the worldwide coverage that Indy IV is already getting:

Future Indy Sequels
July 17th, 2007 | Digg This

I have been reluctant to report on this news piece, but with the surmounting internet coverage it is getting I believe I should address it now. The IESB have reported that one of their “reliable Paramount sources” has told them that Shia LaBeouf has signed on for three more Indy films. That’s right - Indy 5, 6 and 7. IESB continue, stating that Indiana himself, Harrison Ford, has also signed up for two further films.

That’s the crunch, and the rumour mill is churning. In response Lucasfilm have denied future sequels, via the MTV movie blog,

“That’s purely a rumor,” Lucasfilm’s Director of Publicity John Singh told MTV News. “Idle chatter among Internet fans.”

Would you want more Indy? Does everything have to be a trilogy these days? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Indy Producers talk about Hawaii
July 15th, 2007 | Digg This

Star Pulse have an article containing a chat with producers Frank Marshall and Kathleen Kennedy. Here are some choice extracts from the piece:

The film’s biggest action sequences are being filmed in Hawaii. Marshall compared one scene to the thrilling, white-knuckled truck chase in the desert in ”Raiders.” - ”It’s that level,” he said.

‘The cleverness, the humor and the tone of Indiana Jones is very much alive and well in this movie” 

Indiana Jones and the news this week
July 13th, 2007 | Digg This

Everything always seems to take place in the couple of days that you take an internet time-out. You may have noticed that the posting frequency this week has reduced - I am currently in the local library, here to fill you in on all the juicy news and gossip. Regular posting shall resume tomorrow evening.

First up, Indiana Jones has arrived, so says Spielberg in this brief but fascinating video…

Check out the full size quick time version of the first official footage from the official Indiana Jones website.Next, the full Comic Con 2007 schedule has been revealed; July 26th is the day to note for all indy fans.

We’ve also got some more pictures from the car chase scene in New Haven via the Vintage Mustang forums. These are some great night time shots of the set or filming location if you prefer.

Cinematical has a spoiler filled article which I think refers to the earlier AICN scoop, though the library filters here are restricting my access so I cannot confirm its content. Head on over and check for yourself.


Whistle Stop Tour
July 9th, 2007 | Digg This

I’m flying past you in an underground mine car as my internet time dwindles. Just checking in to report some very interesting new Indiana developments on the spoiler front.

Firstly, the big news, Aint it Cool are running a rumor article concerning the plot of the 4th film, it has some pretty huge spoilers, so before you read, remember that the task of “unknowing” something is impossible. Here’s the link. SPOILERS LIE HERE.

Secondly, the IESB.net have some shaky footage of a car chase scene.

Coming Soon also have some “exclusive” but nothing new-New Haven pics.

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