Comments on: Possible Trailer Breakdown Indiana Jones 4 Mon, 21 Jul 2008 16:36:22 +0000 By: kim possible kim possible Sat, 05 Jan 2008 04:58:12 +0000 omg that is so great i can actually picture it it sounds great but how will it do on film also i just want to say that i someday want to go into the movie bizz as a producer or a screen writer / directors but i'm kinda young and i mean really young like jr.high young but dream big is my motive omg that is so great i can actually picture it
it sounds great but how will it do on film
also i just want to say that i someday want to go into the movie bizz as a producer or a screen writer / directors
but i’m kinda young
and i mean really young like jr.high young
but dream big is my motive

By: Skot Skot Thu, 01 Nov 2007 05:27:37 +0000 This is unfortunately a fake. I heard about this breakdown last week but it has since been dismissed. I do hope that I am wrong since this sounds like it would be an excellent trailer and is probably a lot better then what we will all end up getting when they do release it. The true trailer description is probably more like this... Lucasfilm logo. Paramount Logo. A crystal skull sitting on an alter with movie-man voice over. Suddenly a whip grabs the skull and the music hits. Then we see about 20 shots of Indy and Marion and Shia which all go by that they tell us nothing. A bunch of explosions. Then one line from Indy like "trust me" or "Oh No" or "I like pumpkin pie" or something stupid. End with date of release. And with the sound of all of us geeks recovering from the fact that we really didn't see anything at all. Even after pausing all 32 frames each second from the tivoed version on E! Oh who knows, they might throw us a bone and give us a really awesome trailer with location shots and awesome vehicles and effects and maybe, just maybe a glimpse of that old crate sitting in that old warehouse... This is unfortunately a fake. I heard about this breakdown last week but it has since been dismissed. I do hope that I am wrong since this sounds like it would be an excellent trailer and is probably a lot better then what we will all end up getting when they do release it. The true trailer description is probably more like this…

Lucasfilm logo.
Paramount Logo.
A crystal skull sitting on an alter with movie-man voice over.
Suddenly a whip grabs the skull and the music hits.
Then we see about 20 shots of Indy and Marion and Shia which all go by that they tell us nothing.
A bunch of explosions.
Then one line from Indy like “trust me” or “Oh No” or “I like pumpkin pie” or something stupid.
End with date of release. And with the sound of all of us geeks recovering from the fact that we really didn’t see anything at all. Even after pausing all 32 frames each second from the tivoed version on E!

Oh who knows, they might throw us a bone and give us a really awesome trailer with location shots and awesome vehicles and effects and maybe, just maybe a glimpse of that old crate sitting in that old warehouse…
